Customers who have Program Builder (self-service) enabled are able to create, launch, and manage new listening events using the Program Builder Wizard. This wizard walks you through the process of creating your listening event structure, building the content, customizing the settings and styling, inviting listening event participants, and launching the listening event. As you work through the process, a progress bar at the top of every page shows which phase you are working in. You can also use the progress bar to navigate between phases as needed.

This article walks through an overview of the Program Builder Wizard and links out to the step-by-step and details, including: 

Access the Program Builder Wizard

You can access the Program Builder (wizard) from the Surveys page or the My Surveys page (self-service).

  1. Navigate to the Program Builder.

    • From the Surveys page, click +Build New Survey.

    • From the My Surveys page, click + New Project

The Program Builder Overview page appears. The Program Builder (wizard) enables you to build, launch, and manage your listening event (survey) in four phases: Overview, Build, Invite, and Launch. You can navigate between these phases by clicking the tabs.

Program Builder Overview

Once in the Program Builder, you’ll walk through four phases. Click each for step-by-step instructions for each phase.

Overview tab serves as the entry point for inputting pertinent details about your survey. Provide basic details to create your survey. Once you click Proceed to Build, your survey saves as a draft.

For more information and step-by-step, refer to the Create a New Listening Program article.

Upon entering the Build tab, you will start the process of creating the content for your survey. This tab also provides access to the branding tools associated with your survey. Build the content of your survey (pages, questions, logic, etc.) and customize your survey using the available tools:

  • Customize your survey settings.

  • Build your survey content (e.g., questions, logic, etc.).

  • Style your survey.

  • Translate your survey (if applicable).

  • Preview your survey.

For more information and step-by-step, refer to the Customize Your Survey SettingsBuild Your Survey ContentStyle Your SurveyTranslate Your Survey, and Preview Your Survey articles.

In the Invite tab, you have the capability to designate the distribution method for your survey.

Select a delivery method and specify survey participants.

For more information and step-by-step, refer to the Add Participants (Invite) article.

Upon selecting your preferred method of inviting participants to the survey, you can proceed to the Launch tab, where comprehensive details of the survey are displayed. Launch your survey immediately or schedule a future time to launch.

Within the Launch tab, you have the ability to:

  • Configure your email invites and reminders

  • Add Late Invitees

  • Send email invites and reminders

For more information and step-by-step, refer to the Launch Your Survey and Supporting Participants articles.