You can easily access your account settings from the platform navigation bar. You can view your profile information and view and edit your email notification preferences. Notifications are sent when new insights, research articles, or Intelligent Nudges (if enabled) are available. You can turn the notifications on or off by simply selecting or clearing a checkbox.

Note: Turning off notifications only affects email notifications. New insights, research, and nudges still appear automatically on their respective pages. 

This article walks through:

Access Account Settings (View Your Profile)

You can view and edit your account settings by clicking your initials in the top-right of the navigation bar. Clicking your initials displays a drop down menu with options for accessing account settings and signing out of the platform.

  1. On the right side of the navigation bar, click your initials to display the drop down menu. 

  1. Select Account Settings.

The Account Settings screen appears with the Your Profile tab displayed and the Notifications tab available. You can view your profile information, but you cannot modify it.

When you select Sign Out, this ends your session in the platform and displays the login page.

Edit Your Notifications

  1. Click your initials and select Account Settings.

  2. Click the Notifications tab to display your Notification settings.

  1. Select/clear the checkboxes next to the notifications you want to enable or disable.