Perceptyx People Insights Platform H2 2024 Update
Here at Perceptyx, we had a busy second half of 2024 as we worked to enhance the platform experience for you! With this update, we are excited to bring to you our latest advancements in technology and EX transformation best practices to help you connect the dots across listening programs, activate your workforce, and maximize the impact of your people analytics.
Unless otherwise noted, the following features support People Insights Platform 2.5 and are available based on permissions and subscriptions purchased.
Come explore what's new in our platform workspaces:
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➡️ Point-In-Time: 64 Pre-Built Templates
User Roles: Admin, Creator
Required Subscription(s): Platform
Users creating Point-In-Time listening events can now choose from 64 pre-built Point-in-Time event templates developed by our Workforce Transformation team. These templates address concise topic areas, deep dives, and multi-topic options aligned to the Perceptyx Business and Talent Priorities. A few examples include Nudge Effectiveness, Natural Disaster Response, Hybrid Working, Safety Culture, EX & Customer Orientation, and EX & Employee Retention.
When a user creates an event based on a Business and Talent Priority, the templates that are aligned to the selected priority display in the Choose Your Template dialog box.
Note: If you want to see a list of all the available templates, create your event without selecting a Business and Talent Priority.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Create a New Listening Event | Point-In-Time & Lifecycle Knowledge Base article.
➡️ Point-In-Time: Clone a Perceptyx-Led Event for a New Event
User Roles: Admin, Creator
Required Subscription(s): Platform
Admin and Creator users can now clone imported Perceptyx-led events to use as the basis for new Point-In-Time listening events. Page selections, questions, styling, and conditional logic are preserved in the cloned event, which you can modify to suit your specific listening needs. Perceptyx-led events show Managed in the Survey Type column in the Choose Your Event dialog box.
➡️ Point-In-Time: More Flexibility with Manager Hierarchy (3)
User Roles: Admin, Creator
Required Subscription(s): Platform
Three enhancements to the Manager Hierarchy tool provide more flexibility for inviting specific employee populations, compatibility with the PIN page option, and the ability to update your snapshot before launching a listening event.
1) Invite a Manager’s Direct Reports or Entire Team
A new invitee selection option in the Manager Hierarchy Tree view allows users to invite a manager’s direct reports only or their entire team (direct and indirect reports). Simply navigate to the manager in the Manager Hierarchy Tree view, click the new Team icon, and select an invitation type.
Note: This feature is available for Point-In-Time listening events.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Add Participants | Point-In-Time and Lifecycle Knowledge Base article.
2) Reach a Diverse Audience with PIN Page Compatibility
Admin and Creator users can now offer access via PIN page or a combination of PIN page and unique email links with Manager Hierarchy. If your organization is set up with Manager Hierarchy, clicking the new Unique Links for Each Respondent + PIN Page option in the Invite phase of the Event Builder prompts the user to create a snapshot.
This functionality helps you more effectively reach different populations within your organization, such as knowledge workers and front-line deskless workers. It also enables you to analyze all results in aggregate, rather than launching and analyzing separate listening event types.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Add Participants | Point-In-Time and Lifecycle Knowledge Base article.
3) Snapshot Refresh
Admin and Creator users can now refresh the hierarchy snapshot when selecting invitees and making an event active, ensuring the most current HRIS data is used. This flexibility is great when there is a time gap between creating and launching an event. A new Refresh Snapshot option in the Manager Hierarchy List View makes the process fast and easy.
Important: When users refresh a snapshot, previously selected invitees and snapshot are discarded, along with any changes made in the Manager Hierarchy. Any page or display logic based on demographics from the HRIS file are also discarded.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Add Participants | Point-In-Time and Lifecycle Knowledge Base article.
User Roles: Admin, Creator
Required Subscription(s): Platform
The Styling phase of the Event Builder now lets you choose the layout orientation (portrait or landscape) for your data collector in Point-In-Time, Lifecycle, and custom 360 events. The Portrait orientation displays one question per page in a vertical format; the Landscape orientation displays multiple questions per page in a horizontal format. Previously, Portrait was the only option. Now, Landscape is the default layout, which you can change to Portrait if preferred.
Note: If a listening event was already in Draft or Active status before this release, it will remain in the Portrait layout.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Style Your Event | Point-In-Time & Lifecycle Knowledge Base article.
User Roles: Admin, Creator
Required Subscription(s): Platform
Apply a global filter to your single survey custom dashboard by clicking on a response segment within a widget to view responses from employees who answered accordingly during the listening event. The entire dashboard updates and the filter appears at the top to notify you the data has updated. This includes all dashboards and the comment analysis area, too. You can apply multiple demographic and response-based filters to refine your data sets to help you understand the differences in experiences and use the comments to understand the context behind the numbers.
Note: The following widget types currently support response-based filtering (more to come in future releases):
Favorability by Question List
Favorability by Question
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Create Custom Results Dashboards Knowledge Base article.
➡️ Analytics Studio: Comment Analysis Dashboard Redesign
User Roles: Admin, Creator
Required Subscription(s): Platform
Our redesign of the Comment Analysis Dashboard makes it even easier to filter and analyze comments from your single project events. The Comment Analysis tool puts our AI-powered theme, sentiment, and intent analytics models at your fingertips to help you discover actionable insights from what is often a vast amount of listening event comment data. You can efficiently analyze your data and apply filters to identify recurring themes in comments and understand the sentiments and intents behind them.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Use Comment Analysis Knowledge Base article.
➡️ Analytics Studio: New Dashboard Widgets
User Roles: Admin, Creator
Required Subscription(s): Platform
Admins and Creators can create custom dashboards that now include Cross-Survey Favorability widgets to capture feedback along multiple touchpoints of the employee journey or an eNPS widget to gauge the overall level of advocacy expressed by employees. Adding these widgets to your dashboards can help you observe the impact of your action-planning initiatives and assist your responsiveness to changes in key metrics.
Note: Select up to 5 listening events to use in your cross-survey dashboards.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Use Cross Survey Analysis and Create Custom Results Dashboards Knowledge Base articles.
➡️ Analytics Studio: Category Widget Default Display
User Roles: Admin, Creator
Required Subscription(s): Platform
When a listening event contains only one category, any category widgets the user adds to a dashboard now automatically recognize the category and display data when the widget is added - saving time and extra steps. You can update the widgets as needed. If your listening event contains multiple categories, category widgets automatically populate with data only if one of the categories is an Engagement category.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Create Custom Results Dashboards Knowledge Base article.
➡️ Analytics Studio: New Dashboard Tools Menu
User Roles: Admin, Creator
Required Subscription(s): Platform
Options for modifying single survey or cross-survey project dashboards are now grouped in a Dashboard Tools menu to provide a more efficient and consistent user experience.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Create Custom Results Dashboards Knowledge Base article.
➡️ Crowdsource: Infographic Download as PDF or PPT
User Roles: Admin, Manager
Required Subscription(s): Platform and Crowdsource
Users with reporting access can now choose to download the event infographic in PDF or PPT format for easy sharing.
➡️ Crowdsource: Reporting in User’s Preferred Language
User Roles: Admin, Manager, Participant
Required Subscription(s): Platform and Crowdsource
Employee-sourced suggestions can now be translated into 34 languages in real-time, making it easier than ever to engage your global workforce in co-creating solutions. This feature allows admins and participants to take part in the listening event in their native language, while also being able to see and vote on responses from all participants in the same event, even if those responses were submitted in different languages. This empowers every employee to directly influence the organizational decision-making process.
The language that displays is based on HRIS data for each user. If no preferred language is provided, the user’s language preference defaults to English.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Participate in a Listening Event | Crowdsource Knowledge Base article.
➡️ Crowdsource: Search by Text Functionality in Leaderboard
User Roles: Admin, Reporter
Required Subscription(s): Platform and Crowdsource
Search by Text functionality has been added to the top of the Leaderboard page making it easy for Admin and Reporting users to find a specific word or string of words.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Crowdsource Reporting for Administrators Knowledge Base article.
➡️ 360: Trend Data Available in Advanced Reporting
User Roles: Admin, Participant
Required Subscription(s): Platform and 360 Feedback
Admins and participants can now view trend data for Perceptyx-led events in the Advanced Reporting dashboard and the Detailed Scores Report. When trend data is available, the Select Rater Groups dropdown in each section of the dashboard results includes options to display previous results beside the current results. In the Detailed Scores Report, the Compare To dropdown includes an option to compare to previous results, which display beneath the current results. Participants can compare to their previous 360 event; admins can view aggregated results from the previous 360 event.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Participant Dashboard and Reports | 360, Administrator Dashboard and Reports | 360, and Detailed Scores Report | 360 Knowledge Base articles.
➡️ Act: Streamlined Action Planning
User Roles: Admin, Manager, HRBP, 360 Participant
Required Subscription(s): Platform and Perceptyx-Led 360 Feedback (if applicable)
We’ve made it even easier for managers to create an action plan right from the Advanced Reporting Dashboard or Favorability Report to seamlessly move from insight to action. Managers can take action to choose a listening event item(s), add 2 commitments, and 3 follow-up dates for review and discussion. Then within the Act area of the platform, managers can view progress on commitments, click in to view details and mark commitments complete, or edit and archive plans as needed.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Create An Action Plan Knowledge Base article.
➡️ Act: Create Action Plans for Multiple Roles
User Roles: Admin, Manager, HRBP, 360 Participant
Required Subscription(s): Platform and 360 Feedback (if applicable)
Employees with more than one role for a listening event (e.g., an HRBP who is also a Manager) can create action plans that correspond with each of their roles and manage all their action plans on the Act page. View the event and role and click into the details within the Active Action Plans area of the page.
Note: All users will see the Role dropdown as shown below; however, only users with multiple roles will be able to select additional roles.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Create An Action Plan Knowledge Base article.
➡️ Act: Action Planning for Lifecycle Surveys (Updated 01-31-25)
User Roles: Admin
Required Subscription(s): Platform
Users with access to Lifecycle listening event reports in advanced reporting can now create action plans that appear on the Act dashboard. From the Favorability Report, Admins can seamlessly move from insight to action by choosing a listening event item(s) to act on, adding 2 commitments, and 3 follow-up dates for review and discussion. Within the Act area of the platform, Admins can view progress on commitments, click in to view the details, and manage commitments by editing, marking complete, or archiving.
➡️ Act, Activate, & Grow: Act Metrics Enhancements (3)
Three enhancements to the Act Metrics feature provide download capability, access for more user types, and nudge engagement metrics.
1) Act, Activate, & Grow: HRBP Access to Act Metrics
User Roles: HRBP
Required Subscription(s): Platform and Activate or Grow
Advanced Tools have been added to the Act Page, enabling HRBPs to view for Point-In-Time or 360 events an action plan engagement dashboard for the teams they support. The dashboard displays where action-taking is happening, including the top items being included in action plans and participation in action planning by user status. Users can also search for an action plan by entering the name or email address of the manager.
Note: Admin users previously had access to Act Metrics next to Nudge Preferences on the Act page. Use the Advanced Tools option to access Act Metrics now.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Act Knowledge Base article.
2) Act: Data Download Feature in Act Metrics Dashboard
User Roles: Admin, HRBP
Required Subscription(s): Platform
A Download option in the Act Metrics Dashboard enables users with the appropriate permissions to download action planning data from a listening event to an Excel file that can be used for analysis outside the platform. The file includes action plan participation metrics, top items used in action plans, and action plan/user details.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the View Action Plans Knowledge Base article.
3) Activate & Grow: Nudge Engagement Metrics in Act Metrics
User Roles: Event-Level Admin
Required Subscription(s): Platform and Activate or Grow
Administrators can view nudge engagement data in aggregate across all listening events in the organization. Data includes:
Summary Metrics: A global view of how employees are engaging with nudges.
Activity Personas: An easy-to-understand view of how employees are engaging with nudges. Each employee is assigned one of four personas based on their level of engagement.
Nudge Themes Selected as Personal Focus Areas: A view of which themes are most commonly selected as personal focus areas in nudge preferences.
Nudges Viewed Over Time: The nudge view rate over time.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Activate Overview and Grow Overview Knowledge Base articles.
➡️ Activate & Grow: Custom Learning Links
User Roles: Company Admin, Company Read-Only Admin
Required Subscription(s): Platform and Activate or Grow
Admins can use Custom Learning Links to reinforce nudge content around select themes and quickly connect employees to additional internal resources they can take action on in addition to the nudge. Custom Learning Links keep your learning & development and technology resources top of mind for teams with up to 14 types of resource categories to select from, including Learning Management Systems, Public Recognition Platforms, Time Off Request Platforms, and more.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Work with Intelligent Nudges Knowledge Base article.
➡️ Activate & Grow: AI-Assisted Action Planning Notification
User Roles: Manager, 360 Participant
Required Subscription(s): Platform and Activate or Grow
Activate and Grow users can now receive a notification in the flow of work which shows them their top recommended survey items and prompts them to customize their action plans. Being invited directly into the AI-assisted action planning experience within the flow of work can help increase engagement with the action planning process.
The notification, which is sent only to users who have not yet created an action plan for the related listening event, can be sent via email, MS Teams, or Slack.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Activate Overview, Grow Overview, and Create an Action Plan Knowledge Base articles.
➡️ Grow: AI-Assisted Development Plans & Intelligent Nudges
User Roles: 360 Participant
Required Subscription(s): Platform and 360 Feedback or Grow
Using our self-led 360 capabilities, participants can now manage their development plans in Act alongside action plans from Point-In-Time listening events. Participants will also benefit from AI-assisted development plan recommendations and Intelligent Nudges to help them take action on their 360 feedback in the flow of work.
Note: Development Action Plans can be launched directly from the listening event report in the Analyze area of the platform.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Create an Action Plan Knowledge Base Article.
➡️ Intelligent Nudges Available via Perceptyx Slack App
User Roles: All
Required Subscription(s): Platform and Activate or Grow
Intelligent Nudges are now available to meet employees in the flow of work through the Slack app with an active subscription to Activate.
For more details, see the Work with Intelligent Nudges Knowledge Base Article.
➡️ Navigation Bar: Number Display for Respond Option
User Roles: All
Required Subscription(s): Platform
The Respond option in the navigation bar now displays the number of pending tasks requiring a response.
➡️ Account Settings: Browser Privacy Settings
User Roles: All
Required Subscription(s): Platform
Platform users can opt-in/opt-out of non-essential cookies in a pop-up window or from their profile under Account Settings. Select or reject based on cookie type.
Note: Privacy settings configured via cookies apply only to the browser and are not tied to your account.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Account Settings Knowledge Base article.
➡️ Home Page: Access Help Resources
User Roles: All
Required Subscription(s): Platform
Platform users can access a variety of enablement resources in one click from the top navigation bar Help Menu. Visit the Knowledge Base for release notes, how-to articles, and step-by-step instructions when you need them - just search, scan, and jump right in. Admin users can access Perceptyx Academy, your go to place for the latest training and tools. View a variety of videos, resources, and learning paths to get up-to-speed quickly. After exploring all the resources available to you, if you still have a question, contact our support team. And finally, share feedback with our product team by clicking on Give Feedback.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Homepage, Help Feature, and Perceptyx Academy Knowledge Base articles.
➡️ Point-In-Time: New Results Insights Banner
User Roles: Manager, Leader (Manager of Manager), HRBP
Required Subscription(s): Platform
To keep focus on event report(s) in the days following report release, all users with reporting access now see a New Results banner in the Insights section of their Home page for 30 days following the close of a new Perceptyx-led Point-In-Time listening event. After 30 days, the banner is replaced by Insights designed to help users take action on their results.
Clicking View Report displays the reports dashboard.
If a user has multiple user roles for the listening event, the banner includes a dropdown to select a role and view reports.
Note: In addition to the banner on the Home page, users can still use the Analyze page to access their reports.
For more details and step-by-step instructions, see the Access Your Results Knowledge Base article.
If you have questions about the People Insights Platform functionality or the latest updates, please reach out to your HR Admin or Customer Success Manager.
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