Once you have decided on the employee tags and the best approach to capturing that information (see article: How does Dialogue collect employee tag information?), prepare the following and send it to dialoguesupport@perceptyx.com at least 5 business days prior to the launch of your Dialogue pulse. 

If you have decided to upload employee tag information to Dialogue, please prepare an employee file with the following information: Email, Unique ID*, First Name, Last Name, Employee Tag Label 1, Employee Tag Label 2, Employee Tag Label n, Manager Email, Manager Unique ID*, Manager First Name, Manager Last Name.

  • Unique ID is usually the Employee ID. 

    • This should be a static value that does not change for that employee. 

    • Even if it is numeric, it should be formatted as a Text field. This will preserve any leading “0”s.

  • The first row of your data file is your column headers. This is followed by one row of data per employee. 

  • Please provide this data in a single Comma Separated text file or Excel file. The file provided should contain no linkages to other source files. 

  • Complete these data checks: 

    • No duplicate email addresses or unique IDs

    • Email addresses are well-formed (e.g. no spaces)

    • No missing data from any columns 

    • Check demographic values for “duplicates” and normalize (e.g. San Francisco vs. SAN FRANCISCO vs. SF)

If you have decided to use the self-select drop-down option, please prepare a list of Employee Tags and associated tag values, including the desired order you would like the tag values to be displayed. 

  • Complete these data checks: 

    • No duplicate demographic values

    • Check demographic values for “duplicates” and normalize (e.g. San Francisco vs. SAN FRANCISCO vs. SF)