The Administrator Portal is a central location where you can view full company details, your employee directory, user and account details, and snapshots. The portal currently provides only viewing access; however, you can use the portal now to verify that information is accurate and complete. Editing access will be coming soon.

Note: This portal is available only for Administrator users.

This article walks through:

Access the Administrator Portal

  1. Log in to Perceptyx. 

  2. In the navigation bar, click Administrator Portal.

The Administrator Portal dashboard appears.

The side navigation panel provides quick access for viewing company details, employee information, and snapshots. The dashboard widgets also provide access to employee and snapshot information. 

View Company Details

Company details include information used for platform setup, activation/invite method, and contact information.

  1. In the side navigation panel, click Company Details.

  2. Review the information.

View the Employee Directory

The employee directory lists the following information for each employee in your organization:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • SSO ID (if applicable)

  • Email

  • Employee ID

  • Status (Activating, Active, Inactive, or Staged)

You can search for specific employees by Employee ID, name, or email, and you can view user details for any employee.

User details include user status, account details, and language and notification preferences.

View the Employee Directory

  1. In the Employee Directory widget, click Take me to the list

Note: You can also click Employees in the side navigation panel.

  1. Review the information.

Search for an Employee

  1. Navigate to the Employee Directory.

  2. At the top of the screen, click the Search box, then type the identifier you want to search (first name, last name, employee ID, or email address).

  3. Press Enter.

The display updates to show any record(s) that match your search criteria.

View User Details

  1. Navigate to the Employee Directory.

  2. Search for the employee whose details you want to view.

  3. In the Actions column, click Actions > User Details for the user.

The display updates to show details for the user.


The Snapshots feature will function as the hierarchy view in future releases.